Autosys Machine Status Blocked


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Meaning of pending machine in autosys - Stack OverflowOntdek

1 There will be a situation when the machine is blocked in wcc of Autosys. Check the status of the machine: Run the command autorep -m ALL | grep $ (mc_nm) This will return the status of the machine. If it is blocked, then from wcc frontend, mark the machine as

Machine Status - techdocs.broadcomOntdek

AutoSys Workload Automation services use the following character codes to represent the machine status: o—Online m—Offline a—Missing u—Unqualified e—Empty

How Machine Status Changes When Disk Threshold is

When the available disk space is greater than the size specified in the agent.resourcemon.threshold.disk.critical parameter in the agentparm.txt file, free enough

Machine shows as status \'BLOCKED\' when running the

18 okt. 2022  1. When agent runs out of space, the receiver.log shows the following: 04/03/:56:28.416 CEST+ TCP/IP Controller Plugin.Receiver pool thread


The Services - AutoSys Workload Automation Administrator window appears, displaying a list of services installed on the selected instance. The Status column indicates the status

Machine status changes from online to offline/missing

6 jun. 2021  CA Workload Automation AE - Business Agents (AutoSys) CA Workload Automation AE - Scheduler (AutoSys) Workload Automation Agent. Show More Show

How can I change the status of a machine from OFFLINE to

14 feb. 2018  How can I change the status of a machine from OFFLINE to ONLINE? Environmen Unix, Linux, Windows All Version of Autosys Answer: You can use the

How do I check the status of my Autosys

23 jun. 2022  1 Answer 1. There will be a situation when the machine is blocked in wcc of Autosys. Check the status of the machine: This will return the status of the machine. If it


To fix this problem, issue the autosys_secure command to enter or change the user ID and password. Symptom: When I issue the autosyslog -e command, the scheduler log

Alerts for Machine Pending Terminated Status in

24 jun. 2013  Alerts for Machine Pending Terminated Status in Autosys. My company is running Autosys r11.1 SP1, as our enterprise job scheduler, and I find the product to